Australia Post Domestic eParcel Barcode

This Symbology is also known as Australia Post Domestic eParcel Article Barcode

Australia Post uses Domestic eParcel barcode for tracking consignments which are defined as a number or articles of the same product/service type, consigned to the same delivery address, and lodged at the same time. The Australia Post Domestic eParcel Barcode features the following format or structure:

Sample of an Australia Post Domestic eParcel Barcode

How to create Australia Post Domestic eParcel barcodes using Barcode Professional

Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get an Australia Post Domestic eParcel barcode image, please follow these steps:

Example of an Australia Post Domestic eParcel barcode image

Code property = 99700160DJS123456701021502000 will produce the following barcode image: