Neodynamic Barcode Professional 3.0 (or greater) for ASP.NET (WebControl)
Crystal Reports for .NET (any version)
Microsoft .NET Framework (any version)
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (any version)
In the following Step-By-Step Guide we're going to create an ASP.NET Web Application which includes a CR report for Avery address labels including USPS OneCode 4-State Customer Barcode (4-CB) images generated by Barcode Professional.
For simplicity, we're going to use an XML file as the Data Source for our CR report. This XML file, available for downloading at the end of this guide, includes information of employees generated from Microsoft's AdventureWorks database sample.
Note: This guide was made using Visual Studio 2005 but you can use any other version of it needing in some cases minor changes.
USPS OneCode 4-State Customer Barcode (4-CB)
USPS OneCode 4-State Customer Barcode (4-CB) is the next generation in the evolution of USPS barcode technology. The OneCode Barcode Data Fields is divided in two main fields, the Tracking Code and the Routing Code. The 20-digit tracking code consists of the barcode identifier (2 digits), special services (3 digits), customer identifier (6 digits), and sequence number (9 digits) fields, while the routing code consists of the delivery point ZIP Code which can be 0, 5, 9 or 11 digits long.
In this sample demo we will use a fictitious Tracking Code, for instance, 00123123456123456789. For a real world usage of this sample, you should contact USPS Customer Service in order they can assist you on getting on a valid Tracking Code for your specific case.
The Routing Code will be specified by using the ZIP Code stored in the XML file that we are going to use as our report's data source.
Please follow these steps:
Avery Labels Type | Labels Size | Labels per Sheet |
Return Address (Avery 5267) | 1/2" x 1-3/4" | 80 |
Address (Avery 5160) | 1" x 2-5/8" | 30 |
Address (Avery 5260) | 1" X 2-5/8" | 30 |
Address (Avery 5161) | 1" X 4" | 20 |
Address (Avery 5261) | 1" X 4" | 20 |
Address (Avery 5162) | 1-1/3" X 4" | 14 |
Address (Avery 5262) | 1-1/3" X 4" | 14 |
Address/Shipping (Avery 5163) | 2" X 4" | 10 |
Address/Shipping (Avery 5164) | 3-1/3" X 4" | 6 |
Clear Address (Avery 5660) | 1" X 2-3/4" | 30 |
Clear Address (Avery 5662) | 1-1/3" X 4-1/8" | 14 |
Clear Address (Avery 5663) | 2" X 4-1/8" | 10 |
Full Sheet (Avery 5165) | 8-1/2" X 11" | 1 |
File Folder (Avery 5266) | 2/3" X 3-7/16" | 30 |
3-1/2 Diskette (Avery 5196) | 2-3/4" X 2-3/4" | 9 |
3-1/2 Diskette - Red (Avery 5096) | ||
3-1/2 Diskette - Blue (Avery 5896) | ||
5-1/4 Diskette (Avery 5197) | 12 | |
5-1/4 Diskette - Red (Avery 5097) | ||
5-1/4 Diskette - Blue (Avery 5897) | ||
Audio Cassette (Avery 5198) | 1-5/8" X 3-1/2" | 12 |
Video Cassette Face (Avery 5199) | ||
Video Cassette Spine | ||
Name Badge - Red (Avery 5095) | 2-1/3" X 3-3/8" | 8 |
Name Badge (Avery 5395) | 2-1/3" X 3-3/8" | 8 |
Name Badge - Blue (Avery 5895) | 2-1/3" X 3-3/8" | 8 |
Name Tag (Avery 5383) | ||
Name Tag - Blue (Avery 5883) | ||
Name Tag (Avery 5384) | 3" X 4" | 6 |
Rotary Index Card (Avery 5385) | 2-1/6" X 4" | 8 |
Rotary Index Card (Avery 5386) | 3" X 5" | 4 |
Index Card (Avery 5388) | ||
Index/Post Card (Avery 5389) | 4" X 6" | 2 |
Round (Avery 5294) | 2-1/2" Diameter 12 |
Imports Neodynamic.WebControls.BarcodeProfessional
using Neodynamic.WebControls.BarcodeProfessional;
'Create a DataSet from the XML file
Dim xmlFile As String = Server.MapPath("AdventureWorksEmployees.xml")
Dim ds As New DataSet
'The XML File with the data DOES NOT include
'the BarcodeImage "column" or element we've included
'in the XML Schema file.
'So, create the BarcodeImage column
'WARNING: you must name it as you did in the XML Schema
Dim dc As DataColumn = New DataColumn("BarcodeImage", GetType(Byte()))
'Add the BarcodeImage column to the DataTable
'Create a BarcodeProfessional object to fill
'the BarcodeImage column
Dim bc As BarcodeProfessional = New BarcodeProfessional
'Use USPS OneCode 4-State Customer Barcode Symbology
bc.Symbology = Symbology.UspsOneCode4CB
'Barcode Dimension Settings (specified in inches)
bc.Postal4StateTrackerBarWidth = 0.02 'a value ranging from 0.015 to 0.025
bc.Postal4StateTrackerBarHeight = 0.06 'a value ranging from 0.04 to 0.08
bc.Postal4StateBarsSpacing = 0.02 'a value ranging from 0.012 to 0.040
bc.QuietZoneWidth = 0
bc.DisplayCode = False
bc.Text = ""
'USPS OneCode tracking code
Dim trackingCode As String = "00123123456123456789" 'Fictitious (See comments at the beginning of this guide)
'Now, generate and fill barcode images
For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
'Compose USPS OneCode: tracking code + PostalCode column
bc.Code = trackingCode + CType(dr("PostalCode"), String)
dr("BarcodeImage") = bc.GetBarcodeImage(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
'Create a AveryMailLabels report object
'and set its data source with the DataSet
Dim report As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
report = New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument()
Dim rptFile As String = Server.MapPath("AveryMailLabels.rpt")
If Not Me.IsPostBack Then
'Export report to PDF format into C:\Temp folder
'NOTE: Give write permission to ASPNET account to Temp folder
Dim DiskOptions As CrystalDecisions.Shared.DiskFileDestinationOptions = New CrystalDecisions.Shared.DiskFileDestinationOptions
DiskOptions.DiskFileName = "C:\\TEMP\\AveryMailLabelsWithBarcodeImages.pdf"
report.ExportOptions.DestinationOptions = DiskOptions
report.ExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportDestinationType.DiskFile
report.ExportOptions.ExportFormatType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
End If
'Show it!
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report
//Create a DataSet from the XML file
string xmlFile = Server.MapPath("AdventureWorksEmployees.xml");
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
//The XML File with the data DOES NOT include
//the BarcodeImage "column" or element we've included
//in the XML Schema file.
//So, create the BarcodeImage column
//WARNING: you must name it as you did in the XML Schema
DataColumn dc = new DataColumn("BarcodeImage", typeof(byte[]));
//Add the BarcodeImage column to the DataTable
//Create a BarcodeProfessional object to fill
//the BarcodeImage column
BarcodeProfessional bc = new BarcodeProfessional();
//Use USPS OneCode 4-State Customer Barcode Symbology
bc.Symbology = Symbology.UspsOneCode4CB;
//Barcode Dimension Settings (specified in inches)
bc.Postal4StateTrackerBarWidth = 0.02f; //a value ranging from 0.015 to 0.025
bc.Postal4StateTrackerBarHeight = 0.06f; //a value ranging from 0.04 to 0.08
bc.Postal4StateBarsSpacing = 0.02f; //a value ranging from 0.012 to 0.040
bc.QuietZoneWidth = 0;
bc.DisplayCode = false;
bc.Text = "";
//USPS OneCode tracking code
string trackingCode = "00123123456123456789"; //Fictitious (See comments at the beginning of this guide)
//Now, generate and fill barcode images
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
//Compose USPS OneCode: tracking code + PostalCode column
bc.Code = trackingCode + (string)dr["PostalCode"];
dr["BarcodeImage"] = bc.GetBarcodeImage(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
//Create a AveryMailLabels report object
//and set its data source with the DataSet
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument report;
report = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument();
string rptFile = Server.MapPath("AveryMailLabels.rpt");
if (!this.IsPostBack)
//Export report to PDF format into C:\Temp folder
//NOTE: Give write permission to ASPNET account to Temp folder
CrystalDecisions.Shared.DiskFileDestinationOptions DiskOptions = new CrystalDecisions.Shared.DiskFileDestinationOptions();
DiskOptions.DiskFileName = "C:\\TEMP\\AveryMailLabelsWithBarcodeImages.pdf";
report.ExportOptions.DestinationOptions = DiskOptions;
report.ExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
report.ExportOptions.ExportFormatType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
//Show it!
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;
Sample Files Download
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