WebClientPrint for ASP.NET - Version History

  • Main Release (2021-01-20)
    • New! Added advanced Multipage TIF printing (Print as Grayscale, Rotation, Page Range, Duplex, Sizing, Auto Center, and Auto Rotate) through the new PrintFileTIF class.
    • New! Added native support for the following Image formats: Windows or OS/2 Bitmap File (*.BMP), Dr. Halo (*.CUT), DirectDraw Surface (*.DDS), ILM OpenEXR (*.EXR), Raw Fax format CCITT G3 (*.G3), Graphics Interchange Format (*.GIF), High Dynamic Range (*.HDR), Windows Icon (*.ICO), Amiga IFF (*.IFF, *.LBM), JPEG-2000 codestream (*.J2K, *.J2C), JPEG Network Graphics (*.JNG), JPEG-2000 File Format (*.JP2), Independent JPEG Group (*.JPG, *.JIF, *.JPEG, *.JPE), JPEG XR image format (*.JXR, *.WDP, *.HDP), Commodore 64 Koala format (*.KOA), Multiple Network Graphics (*.MNG), Portable Bitmap (ASCII) (*.PBM), Portable Bitmap (BINARY) (*.PBM), Kodak PhotoCD (*.PCD), Zsoft Paintbrush PCX bitmap format (*.PCX), Portable Floatmap (*.PFM), Portable Graymap (ASCII) (*.PGM), Portable Graymap (BINARY) (*.PGM), Macintosh PICT (*.PCT, *.PICT, *.PIC), Portable Network Graphics (*.PNG), Portable Pixelmap (ASCII) (*.PPM), Portable Pixelmap (BINARY) (*.PPM), Adobe Photoshop (*.PSD), Sun Rasterfile (*.RAS), RAW camera image (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG, MOS, KDC, DCR, etc), Silicon Graphics SGI image format (*.SGI), Truevision Targa files (*.TGA, *.TARGA), Tagged Image File Format (*.TIF, *.TIFF), Wireless Bitmap (*.WBMP), Google WebP image format (*.WEBP), X11 Bitmap Format (*.XBM), X11 Pixmap Format (*.XPM).
    • New! Added support for num of copies for raw printer commands when using UserSelectedPrinter class.
    • Improved! Removed jQuery dependency.

Version 5.0

  • Maintenance Release (2020-09-05)
    wcpp.exe for Windows patched to v5.0.20.904
    wcpp5 app for Linux patched to v5.0.20.904
    • Fixed! Access Violation error.

  • Maintenance Release (2020-09-03)
    wcpp.exe for Windows patched to v5.0.20.903
    wcpp5 app for Linux patched to v5.0.20.903
    • Fixed! Image file printing params PX, PY, PW, and PW were not correctly handled.

  • Maintenance Release (2020-01-28)
    wcpp.exe for Windows patched to v5.0.20.127
    wcpp5 app for macOS patched to v5.0.20.127
    wcpp5 app for Linux patched to v5.0.20.127
    • Fixed! Error "EPdfUnsupportedFeatureException" with some PDF files.
    • Fixed! Error "Password required or invalid password" with encrypted PDF files that do not require password.

  • Maintenance Release (2019-12-02)
    wcpp5 app for macOS patched to v5.0.19.1126
    wcpp5 app for Linux patched to v5.0.19.1121
    • Fixed! PDF was printed with some offset.
    • Fixed! Some PDF containing alpha channel or transparency colors were not printed correctly.

  • Main Release (2019-10-07)
    • New! All advanced PDF printing (Print as Grayscale, Print Annotations, Rotation, Page Range) in v4.0 that were available for Windows, now are available for macOS and Linux!
    • New! Added more PDF printing settings like Sizing (None & Fit), Auto Center, and Auto Rotate to PrintFilePDF class.
    • New! Printing Password-protected PDF files through PrintFilePDF class.
    • New! Added RSA-AES Encryption support for PDF, TXT, PNG, JPG/JPEG files to protect file content.
    • New! Added manual Duplex printing support for PDF files through PrintFilePDF class.
    • New! Added new PrintFileDOC class supporting *.docx, *.docm, *.dotx, *.dotm, *.doc, *.dot, *.rtf, and *.odt file formats. NOTE: For Windows clients only. Requires Microsoft Word 97+!
    • New! Support for printing Password-protected DOC files, and options like manual Duplex, Pages Range through the brand new PrintFileDOC class. NOTE: For Windows clients only. Requires Microsoft Word 97+!
    • New! Added new PrintFileXLS class supporting *.xl, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb, *.xlam, *.xltx, *.xltm, *.xls, *.xla, *.xlt, *.xlm, *.xlw and *.ods file formats. NOTE: For Windows clients only. Requires Microsoft Excel 97+!
    • New! Support for printing Password-protected XLS files, and Pages Range setting through the brand new PrintFileXLS class. NOTE: For Windows clients only. Requires Microsoft Excel 97+!
    • New! Added Duplex printing options (Default, Simplex, Vertical, Horizontal) to InstalledPrinter based on the built-in duplex support of the target printer.
    • New! Added "duplex" option to the jsWebClientPrint.getPrintersInfo(); javascript function to detect whether this feature is supported by client printers.
    • New! Added None option to TextAlignment enum for printing txt files as is i.e. without any alignment.
    • New! Added DeleteAfterPrinting property to PrintFile class. The file to be printed is downloaded to the client device and will be deleted after printing by default. Only applied to file formats which WCPP App can print without any external software dependency. Currently supported formats are PDF, PNG, JPG, TXT.
      • 32-bit WCPP Client for Mac and Linux are no longer supported. Only 64-bit WCPP apps are supported under macOS and Linux.
      • WebClientPrint is now built as a .NET Standard 2.0 Lib which means that ASP.NET 2.0 and 3.x are no longer supported. Being a .NET Standard Lib, now there's a single WebClientPrint dll that can be used/referenced in classic/legacy ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET Core MVC. The minimum supported ASP.NET non-Core version is 4.6.1
      • SerialPortPrinter class does not longer references to System.IO.Ports enums for related properties and were changed to similar enums part of WebClientPrint assembly. System.IO.Ports.Handshake, System.IO.Ports.Parity, and System.IO.Ports.StopBits must be changed by SerialPortHandshake, SerialPortParity, and SerialPortStopBits respectivelly.

Version 4.0

  • Maintenance Release (2019-03-14)
    wcpp.exe patched to v4.0.19.314
    • Fixed! Error "{URL...} is an invalid integer" after Internet Explorer 11 update(KB4489873).

  • Maintenance Release (2019-02-26)
    wcpp4 app patched to v4.0.19.225
    • Fixed! IP printers were not correctly detected.

  • Maintenance Release (2019-02-21)
    wcpp4 app patched to v4.0.19.219
    • Fixed! PDF printing not working properly when tray and paper size was specified.

  • Maintenance Release (2018-09-30)
    wcpp.exe patched to v4.0.18.928
    • Fixed! Copies property was not properly handled by PrintFileGroup for PrintFilePDF and PrintFileTXT objects.

  • Maintenance Release (2018-07-20)
    wcpp.exe patched to v4.0.18.719
    • Fixed! Error "The procedure entry point GetTickCount64 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll" on Windows XP clients.

  • Maintenance Release (2018-05-31)
    wcpp.exe patched to v4.0.18.601
    • New! Support for specifying custom page size through PaperName property of InstalledPrinter class when printing PDF files.

  • Maintenance Release (2018-05-30)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v4.0.2018.601
    • Fixed! Bug with PrintFileGroup when PrintFilePDF or PrintFileTXT are involved.

  • Maintenance Release (2018-04-19)
    wcpp.exe patched to v4.0.18.314
    • Improved! RS232 COM connection when port is busy
    • Fixed! Error dialog is displayed if HTTP Status Code returned by the server was different to 200 but in the range of 2xx which means Success like Code 204 (No Content)
    • Fixed! Getting printers info (jsWebClientPrint.getPrintersInfo) failed due to malformed JSON

  • Maintenance Release (2018-01-17)
    WCPP for Mac - wcpp4 app patched to v4.0.18.115
    • Fixed! PDF files were printed at a very small size

  • Maintenance Release (2018-01-12)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v4.0.2018.109
    wcpp.exe patched to v4.0.18.109
    • New! Added new class constructor options to PrintFilePDF and PrintFileTXT allowing specifying files from binary source (array of bytes)
    • Improved! Memory managment for better performance
    • Fixed! Error: "Number Value is an invalid float" in non-English systems

  • Main Release (2017-12-22)
    • New! Print PDF silently without Adobe Reader or FoxIt Reader dependencies for Windows Clients!
    • New! PDF file custom printing settings like Print as Grayscale, Print Annotations, Rotation, Page Range and more! Refer to the PrintFilePDF class in the help doc.
    • New! TXT file custom printing now featuring settings like Print Orientation, Text Alignment (Justify, Left, right, center); output font name, size, color and style (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough) and margins! Refer to the PrintFileTXT class in the help doc.
    • New! Get Installed Printers from the client with useful info about them like PortName, Is Connected, Is Shared, Is Local, Is Network, DPI Resolution, as well as the list of supported Papers and list of trays/bins
    • New! InstalledPrinter class now supports Tray Name and Paper Name settings. NOTE: The supported file formats allowed for these new settings are BMP, JPG, PNG, TXT and PDF
    • New! Setting printer name to "Default" in the InstalledPrinter class allows you to specify the Default Printer in the client machine

Version 3.0

  • Maintenance Release (2017-10-30)
    WCPP patched to v3.0.17.1014
    • Fixed! In some systems, client could get "Error Connection Lost 100353"

  • Maintenance Release (2017-09-18)
    WCPP for Windows (wcpp.exe) patched to v3.0.17.902
    • Fixed! RS232 COM port settings were not correctly specified.

  • Maintenance Release (2017-06-15)
    WCPP for Windows (wcpp.exe) patched to v3.0.17.615
    • CRITICALFixed! PrintFile stopped working with early version

  • Maintenance Release (2017-06-07)
    WCPP for Windows (wcpp.exe) patched to v3.0.17.530
    • Fixed! RS232 Serial Printing not working properly or sending incorrect data to the COM port

  • Maintenance Release (2017-04-13)
    WCPP for Windows (wcpp.exe) patched to v3.0.17.413
    • New! Added new BASIC Proxy Authorization setting through the command line param -proxyAuth:BASIC
    • Improved! Renamed the config file to wcpp3.config to allow side-by-side settings with early versions

  • Maintenance Release (2017-01-24)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v2.0.2017.123
    • New! Improved the WCPP detection and list of installed printers by using a timeout approach.

  • Maintenance Release (2016-12-30)
    WCPP for Windows (wcpp.exe) patched to v3.0.16.1227
    • Improved! Files names alphabetical order in a PrintFileGroup is now honored for printing priority.
    • Fixed! Bugs when printing RAW commands. Part of supplied commands as well as copies param are not processed correctly.
    • Fixed! Bug when printing ClientPrintJobGroup.

  • Main Release (2016-12-06)
    1. Due to some new features and improvements, this brand new server side component is NOT backward compatible!
    2. The WebClientPrint Processor (WCPP) client utility does no longer support Windows 98, Windows 2000 nor Windows ME
    • New! Added support for printing to Default printer if the specified installed printer is not found or missing at printing time. See PrintToDefaultIfNotFound property of InstalledPrinter class.
    • New! PrintFile now allows you to specify files from HTTP sources
    • New! Full control for storing client related info (like list of installed printers) anywhere at the server side, from memory/disk based cache to DB or file servers
    • New! Added support for Number of Copies when printing Raw Commands as well as Known File Formats
    • New! File name commands for specifying the X,Y position as well as Print orientation when printing PNG or JPG images
    • New! Added support for printing a group of ClientPrintJob objects through the brand new ClientPrintJobGroup class. Now you can combine and print raw commands along with known file formats. Print them to the same printer or to different printers with just one click! Endless printing possibilities.
    • New! Added support for client printing from Raspberry Pi / Raspbian

Version 2.0

  • Maintenance Release (2016-10-26)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v2.0.2016.1025
    • Fixed! Bug with the WcpAxdUrlScheme appSettings for relative URL.

  • Maintenance Release (2016-10-04)
    wcpp (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.16.1000
    • New! New command line settings for Proxy Authentication Type, NTLM and Digest.

  • Maintenance Release (2016-09-08)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v2.0.2016.908
    • New! Added LicenseOwner & LicenseKey properties to WebClientPrint class.

  • Maintenance Release (2015-12-11)
    wcpp (WebClientPrint for Mac) patched to v2.0.15.1200
    • Fixed! Printing a group of files was not working.

  • Maintenance Release (2015-09-18)
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.15.918
    • Improved! Error handling when a PrintJob from the server is not valid.

  • Maintenance Release (2015-09-15) Critical Update!
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.15.910
    • Fixed! Remote Code Execution via Print Jobs.
    • Fixed! Proxy settings through 'webclientprint' protocol dissabled. Any proxy settings will require a local command line operation.

  • Maintenance Release (2015-09-01)
    WebClientPrint for Linux patched to v2.0.15.901
    • Fixed! Error message "Invalid key material type" fixed.

  • Maintenance Release (2015-01-09)
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.15.109
    • New! Added a better error report when a PrintJob is invalid.

  • Maintenance Release (2014-11-27)
    wcpp (WebClientPrint for Mac) patched to v2.0.14.1127
    • Fixed! In Yosemite OS X user is prompted with the following message each time wcpp is launched "Press Run to run the script, or Quit to quit"

  • Maintenance Release (2014-08-20)
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.14.0526
    • Fixed! On HTTPS websites using WebClientPrint you might get the following error: Error while connecting to server. Error Code is: 75782.

  • Maintenance Release (2014-03-24)
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.14.0324
    • Fixed! On HTTPS websites using WebClientPrint you might get the following error: Connection lost (error code is 100353)

  • Maintenance Release (2014-01-20)
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.14.0106
    • New! Added User Agent settings for WCPP for Windows
    • Fixed! Now number of copies is honored when printing files is done through the Print Dialog.
    • Improved! HTTP Connection Timeout increased for big print jobs.

  • Maintenance Release (2013-12-16)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v2.0.2013.1212
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.2013.1216
    • Fixed! UNC Printer name was not handled correctly.
    • Improved! Added print job name on Windows when printing image files.

  • Maintenance Release (2013-11-25)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v2.0.2013.1125
    • Fixed! WCPP detection fails for Internet Explorer v10 or v11 clients if WCPP is not installed.

  • Maintenance Release (2013-11-19)
    • Fixed! Proxy settings were not handled correctly.

  • Maintenance Release (2013-11-14)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v2.0.2013.1114
    • Fixed! WCPP detection was fixed for Internet Explorer clients to provide the exact WCPP version the client has installed.

  • New Release (2013-11-12)
    • New! WCPP for Mac released! Easily send raw printer commands as well as print most common file formats (PDF, TXT, DOC, XLS, etc) from your ASP.NET website right to any Mac OS X client installed printers. You do not need to modify your existing code to support Mac clients. Just installs the new WCPP (WebClientPrint Processor) for Mac OS X on the client machine and that's it! WCPP for Mac can be installed on OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or greater! (Intel Proc)

  • New Release (2013-11-04)
    • New! WCPP for Linux released! Now, you can easily send raw printer commands as well as print most common file formats (PDF, TXT, DOC, XLS, etc) from your ASP.NET website right to any Linux client installed printers. You do not need to modify your existing code to support Linux clients. Just instruct your Linux clients to install the new WCPP (WebClientPrint Processor) package and that's it! WCPP for Linux can be installed on Debian or Red Hat-based distros like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, CentOS, etc.

  • Maintenance Release (2013-10-09)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v2.0.2013.1009
    • Fixed! Support for Chrome v30 when website is running under HTTPS protocol.

  • Maintenance Release (2013-09-02)
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.0.8
    • Fixed! "Access Violation" error when an invalid ClientPrintJob was returned from the ASP.NET website.

  • Maintenance Release (2013-08-09)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v2.0.2000.3
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.0.7
    • New! Added config file setting "WcpAxdParentUrl" to specify an URL where the wcp.axd handler should be served from. Added to server-side Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll
    • Fixed! "Access Violation" error when an invalid URL is provided to get installed printers from the client. Fixed on WebClientPrint for Windows (wcpp.exe) utility

  • Maintenance Release (2013-08-05)
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.0.6
    • Fixed! Bug when using PrintFileGroup class. A message stating that a printer name does not exist is fixed now.

  • Maintenance Release (2013-08-01)
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.0.5
    • New! Default printer is now supported as a name for specifying it in the special file name formatting that allows you to print multiple files to different client printers
    • New! WebClientPrint for Windows now supports Gzip & Deflate compression methods
    • Fixed! "Access Violation" error when the URL specified for getting the CLientPrintJob is invalid.

  • Maintenance Release (2013-07-23)
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.0.4
    • New! By using a special file name formatting, now it is possible to distribute a set of files from your ASP.NET website and print them to different printers available at the client side!

  • Maintenance Release (2013-07-15)
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.0.3
    • Improved! Improved support for printing files and printer commands from sites hosted under HTTPS (SSL/TLS)! This new build does no longer leverages OpenSSL dll and all the new code is built-in the wcpp.exe

  • Maintenance Release (2013-06-12)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v2.0.2000.2
    wcpp.exe (WebClientPrint for Windows) patched to v2.0.0.2
    • New! Added PrintFileGroup property to ClientPrintJob class that allows you to send multiple files to be printed to client printers. For example, you could send to the client a PDF file plus a Word DOC; or you could send an Image file (jpeg, png, tiff) plus an Excel XLS plus a TXT file! That's it, any number of files, any kind of file formats!
    • Improved! Printing image files was improved mainly for PNG & JPEG formats

  • Maintenance Release (2013-05-14)
    Neodynamic.SDK.WebClientPrint.dll patched to v2.0.2000.1
    • Fixed! WCPP detection process failed on IE10

  • Main Release (2013-03-25)
    • New! Print common files formats like PDF, TXT, DOC, XLS, JPG, PNG, TIFF (Multipage), and so on.
    • New! Get list of installed printers at the client machine from JavaScript.
    • New! Support for SSL/HTTPS protocol.

Version 1.0

  • Initial release (2013-09-10)