Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Barcode

This Barcode Symbology is supported by the following Neodynamic products:


A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a 17-digit code, comprised of numbers and uppercase letters that provides specific information about a vehicle including the year, make, model, engine size, and manufacturer, and more. Historically, the standard Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) embedded within a barcode and attached to a car has been represented by the Code 39 symbology. Automotive manufacturers are now utilizing two-dimensional barcodes to represent VINs on their automobiles. For example, General Motors (GM) now utilizes the Data Matrix barcode symbology to represent the VIN on some models. Ford uses a QR Code for marketing on their window stickers. Some US Federal labels and State vehicle registration documents store VINs within PDF417 barcodes.

How to create Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) barcodes using Barcode Professional for

Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get a DPD Code barcode image, please follow these steps:
  • Set the Symbology property to VINCode39, VINQRCode or VINDataMatrix
  • Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
    • For VINCode39, set the BarWidth and BarHeight (Values are expressed in Inches)
    • For VINQRCode, set the QRCodeModuleSize property (Value is expressed in Inches)
    • For VINDataMatrix, set the DataMatrixModuleSize property (Value is expressed in Inches)
  • Set the Code property with the VIN value.
Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get a DPD Code barcode image, please follow these steps:
  • Set the Symbology property to VINCode39, VINQRCode or VINDataMatrix
  • Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
    All values for barcode dimensions are expressed in INCHES by default. However, Barcode Professional supports other unit of measurement such as Millimeter, Centimeter, and Mils. For modifying the unit of measurement for barcoding, please set up the BarcodeUnit property as needed.
    • For VINCode39, set the BarWidth and BarHeight (Values are expressed in Inches)
    • For VINQRCode, set the QRCodeModuleSize property (Value is expressed in Inches)
    • For VINDataMatrix, set the DataMatrixModuleSize property (Value is expressed in Inches)
  • Set the Code property with the VIN value.

Example of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) barcode images

Symbology property = VINCode39 and Code property = 2GNFLGE30D6201432 will produce the following barcode image:

VIN Code39  Barcode - Code property = 2GNFLGE30D6201432

Symbology property = VINQRCode and Code property = 2GNFLGE30D6201432 will produce the following barcode image:

VIN QR Code  Barcode - Code property = 2GNFLGE30D6201432

Symbology property = VINDataMatrix and Code property = 2GNFLGE30D6201432 will produce the following barcode image:

VIN DataMatrix Barcode - Code property = 2GNFLGE30D6201432